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Real-time, intelligent, asset tracking

Using a unique blend of technologies, ellitrax®  enables businesses and people to track high-value assets; operating in challenging environments; monitor real-time condition, and recover items. The system will, in turn, reduce the likelihood of theft; lowers insurance costs; and avoids buying stolen goods. 

The capabilities include telecoms as a service and the ability to function off-grid as well as utilising the data neural network system (DaNNS) currently being industry tested.

we've got this

to About

about ellitrax®​

ellitrax®  was jointly conceived by two industry leaders @ Device Analytic and Attomus.  The innovative device is driven by IoT technologies and will deliver a paradigm shift in how data analytics assists risk profiling, assess management, condition monitoring and the investigation of theft.


This blended technology is designed to help prevent your goods from being stolen and if they are,  help you to recover them; thereby reducing the need for insurance payouts and preventing an increase in insurance premiums.

Our asset management and condition monitoring systems gives a real-time picture of where everything is and how it is performing.

who we are

who we are

Device Analytic


DEVICE ANALYTIC brings together the combined expertise of leading industry experts to develop ways of automating data analytics 


artificial and human too



Using a unique blend of technologies, ellitrax®  enables businesses and people to track and recover; know where all the assets are and the condition in real time



ATTOMUS is a high technology company offering security services, and technology applications  for corporations and government entities in the UK and globally

we've got this
Below are some of the innovative areas we are focused on:


Theft prevention, detection and recovery: We at ellitrax® are working with the insurance industry, manufacturers and law enforcement to change the landscape of proactive detection, investigation and recovery of goods; driven by powerful AI capability.

Together in partnership, we are finding solutions to some fundamental blockers to reducing crime and making a safer society for communities.

why ellitrax®

Asset tracking and condition management: We at ellitrax® have initiated a number of projects with high-value luxury goods & vehicle manufacturers, and logistics management for goods and animal movement.

We are pursuing a number of global programmes across a number of sectors...and will update with new projects as they develop:


white paper

The Challenges of Social Network Analysis

How it is or isn’t used in the insurance industry and law enforcement: An ellitrax® White Paper



Currently, Social Network Analysis (SNA) is not being fully utilised by law enforcement and the emerging “insuretech” industry. Are there lessons to be learned from using SNA from other commercial sector data analytics? Are the right resources available from the market to help reduce crime whilst adding value for consumers and business? What will it take to translate technology advances combined with psychological and mathematical techniques to make a difference? Do solutions exist at a reasonable price without breaching the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

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